After reading my 'Reverse engineer and re purpose an old Keyboard' article Boris over at PoLabs kindly sent me a 'PoKeys56U' to have a play with :).
This looks like an updated version of the one I mentioned in my article.
'U' designates the USB version and 'E' the Ethernet version
PoKeys57CNC USB and Ethernet CNC controller is a blend between general purpose PoKeys device and motor controller. The device is targeted primarily for controlling up to 8 STEP/DIR signal driven motors (stepper motors, servo drives, etc.) in various applications with the addition of powerful PoKeys device features. POSCOPE4 AND MEGA1+ MANUAL 5 We provide free software (including drivers) and updates for all our PoScope devices and you can always download it from our web site
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Standard USB keyboard simulation (with triggering support for up/down keys)
Standard USB joystick simulation (6 axis, 32 buttons with triggering support)
55 digital inputs with pull-up resistors, freely mappable to virtual USB keyboard's keys
7 analog inputs (12-bit) with adjustable low-pass filtering support
Up to 26 encoder pair inputs (3 high-speed encoder inputs, 1 ultra high speed encoder input)
Two 8x8 matrix LED display support
Up to 64 256-character long keyboard macro sequences
Up to 16x8 matrix keyboard with triggered keys/alternate function support
Up to 6 high-speed fully configurable PWM outputs support (25MHz PWM timer)
HD44780-based character LCD support (up to 4x20 characters)
PoExtBus support for adding up to 10 external shift registers = 80 aditiona outputs
PoNET devices support (48-key CNC keyboard mapped to matrix keyboard, etc)
Support for up to 10 sensors on I2C bus, up to 10 sensors on 1-wire bus and up to 7 analog sensors
Polabs Driver Test
Communication compatible with PoKeys55 on application layer (data packet structure)
Third-party support via communication DLL library and extensive protocol specification document that allows porting to other systems
Polabs Driver Ed
After looking at the new PoLabs website it appears that Boris has quite alot of new things ranging from Oscilloscopes to Stepper motor drivers!
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I will have to come up with an interesting project for the blog using it in the coming months :)